
Archive for the ‘Happy’ Category

The Kiss

August 15, 2022 Leave a comment

The Kiss

Jump in my time machine and go back 40+ years

It was a Friday night, I worked in a hotel bar

Single mother of 2, office work in the day

My life was busy, but fun. I met a special man;

We were not in love, but loved each other

I wasn’t looking for love, he was going away

So what we had suited us both; and then he went away

Being the kind, lovely person he was, he left me his vehicle

I will never forget this generous gesture, it was like I won the lottery.

So back to the Friday night I had finished work, sitting with friends talking

All of a sudden he came up to me and said I have a message for you,

(not the one one that went away but a mutual friend) Message? I said

He took me in his arms and kissed me with passion….. I was speechless

So that was “The Kiss” I wonder if that was really a message or not

I did not ask……….. Back in the Time Machine to 2022

and now 40 years later, I wonder…..because; standing in a crowded room

at a function to celebrate the “Kicked the Bucket Friends”

There was about 40 people at the function, lots of back slapping, hugging and

reminiscing; C o v I d shall not weary them, nor did the years condemn us

We are the Spirit of Australia, we were young and free then as now…

Finally a lull in conversation, I look up and there was “The Kisser”

I saw him, is it him I thought, it’s been a long time, our eyes met, yes it’s him

He nodded, I smiled and inclined my head as did he, I kept looking as he did

It took a while to work our way across the room, we shook hands in greeting

we talked and talked about people in common, time stood still; it felt like hours

I wonder, no I know he felt the underlying. What ever the emotion, we both felt it

Plenty of words spoken but nothing about “The Kiss” but it was there in both our eyes

After an eon and other people joining us, we drifted apart across the room again

The memorial speech was spoken, we remembered our passed friends with Love

Time for me to leave, I rounded up my 2 friends I came with, saying farewells

I looked around and saw him, he was looking at me, his eyes saying what?

He inclined his head, to which I responded with a nod of my head and our eyes;


Except we both have white hair – Ha

I Don’t Care

August 6, 2022 Leave a comment

I don’t care what they say, I am over being sad, I am female, once a girl

and Cindy Lauper said girls just want to have fun, I believe her, so no more sad.

Life is only in the moment, the now, not yesterday or tomorrow

meaning we cannot change what has already occurred, it is history, past, gone

tomorrow has not begun, it will happen naturally and we cannot foresee anything

Now is the place to reside, to be happy, content, caring, compassionate and loving

Be the positive, shine in your own light and share with others the joy of just being you

Walk forward in Peace

Nothing is real anymore, ah so what is real now August 2022, who knows, I don’t – but Do!

And it is not of this world but guess what it is, our perception is old world,

and also guess what;

This is a New World, a world broken and lost. A world that over the last 3 years has accelerated

to a speed that vibrates faster than Superman …………………………. TBC

Love a Love Hug

July 7, 2022 Leave a comment

Healing the Divide one Hug at a Time.

We work with photographers who capture the faces of the people being hugged. We then make videos out of these images and post them on social media.

Remarkably this not only works, but those who accept a hug often end up hugging others in our army. Often too, those people nearby also start accepting hugs and it becomes a hug fest.

When we hug, our hearts connect and we know that we are not separate beings.

Words from Thich Nhat Hanh (Zen Teacher)

“The hugging can be very deep. Life is there. Happiness is there. Sometimes the hugging is not very deep and the hugger only pretends to be there, perhaps by patting you on the back—I have some experience of this! When someone hugs you with all their heart and presence, you feel it. When someone takes your hands in mindfulness, with their presence, their concern, you feel it. So hug like that—make life real and deep. It will heal both of you.

It’s a pleasure to hug someone we love. But don’t think it’s something easy. Maybe we want to hug the other person, but they aren’t available—they’re caught in their anger, worries, or projects. Hugging is a deep practice and both people need to be completely present to do it correctly. That’s why it’s not always easy. So, we have to learn how.”

21 Jan 2022(CNN) Thich Nhat Hanh, a prominent Vietnamese Buddhist monk, peace activist and leading voice in opposition to the Vietnam War, has died at Tu Hieu Temple in Hue, Vietnam. He was 95.

Thay as he was called short translation is Teacher. He was a active Peace Activist and a great teacher of Mindfulness IMO. Even though he has left the Earth Plane there is so much of his work in cyberland for us to still feel and learn from his words. I promise you will feel fabulous and full of Love and Hope.

Even if the Hug prickles

We Are One

June 23, 2022 Leave a comment

The summer that Rhonda Magee was sixteen, she got a phone call that marked a turning point in her life. Jake, her boyfriend at the time, called to tell her that his father had just kicked him out. “He did what? Why?!” Magee asked, but the truth was, she already knew the answer.

Jake’s father had never met Magee, yet she was unacceptable to him. Or rather, his ideas about her, and of people supposedly like her, were so unacceptable he was willing to cut off his own son. She was Black, Jake was white, and his father was racist. This experience of being racialized was profoundly painful to her, and it changed the direction of her life.

In her seminal book The Inner Work of Racial Justice: Healing Ourselves and Transforming Our Communities Through Mindfulness, Magee writes, “What I learned that summer inspired in me a desire truly to understand race and racism in our everyday lives and to see them for what they are: deep and pervasive cultural conditioning for grouping others into categories and placing them at enough distance to render their suffering less visible, for obscuring our intertwined destinies, and for turning us against one another rather than toward one another when we suffer in common.

“In short, what I learned that summer inspired my life’s work: dissolving the lies that racism whispers about who we really are, and doing whatever I can to reduce the terrible harm it causes us all.”

Today, Magee is a professor of law and leader in integrating mindfulness into the legal system, higher education, and social change work. Combining the inner work of personal development through meditation and other practices with the outer work of racial justice, she says, “will set us on the path toward acting with others for justice—in solidarity with those suffering the most—with humility, kindness, and the capacity to keep growing and rowing on.”

“Because there are so many rivers of pain joining and forming the ocean of racial suffering in our times, personal awareness practices are essential for racial justice work,” writes Magee. “By experiencing new ways of looking at race, we can grow in our capacity to be with one another in ways that promote healing and make real our common humanity and radical interconnectedness.”

Magee was born in 1967 in Kinston, North Carolina. It was a segregated town where tobacco farming, furniture making, and white supremacy framed life. Magee says she grew up in “the projects,” in a family dealing with trauma, poverty, alcoholism, and domestic abuse. Her mother’s second marriage moved the family to Hampton, Virginia, during a period of active efforts to desegregate the South.

“I’ve experienced some real dynamism and participated in the front line of the so-called experiment of desegregation,” Magee says. “And I’m here to say, it worked. But the thing I witnessed along the way was that not everybody in the culture was actually happy to see successful desegregation.”

The experience of living in a society that was supposed to be integrated but was, in truth, still fractured, spurred Magee on to more learning. “As I grew into adulthood, I somehow knew my worth was not measured by the gaze of white people or those who had internalized prejudices against people like me,” writes Magee in The Inner Work of Racial Justice. “I loved the Black experiences into which I had been born and all that they had given to the world—especially the many models of people struggling against injustice for ourselves and for beloved communities everywhere, all the while maintaining loving, praising hearts.”

Magee says she also knew in her own heart that more connection and love between different identity groups was something that could happen. “Having come up through desegregation and witnessed its efficacy and effectiveness, I knew what was possible,” she says. “I wanted to live my own life as a testimony to that.”

What Magee wanted most was to make a difference in society. She was on a PhD track in sociology at the University of Virginia, but when a professor suggested law was a better way to create change, she switched to the university’s famed law school. Yet when she started her career as a practicing lawyer it still didn’t feel like a true fit with her values. “It was mostly in the service or pro bono part of my practice that I was able to address some of my interests in social justice,” says Magee. This just wasn’t enough—she wanted social justice to be her focus.

As she searched for her life’s work, Magee also found a spiritual calling. Having grown up with a Christianity grounded in love for your neighbor and community, Magee started reading about other spiritual paths, including Buddhism. She began practicing mindfulness in fits and starts. She discovered in it moments of clarity and calm, but had mixed feelings about committing fully, as no one she encountered in this sphere looked like her or came from a similar background.

She finally found her spiritual footing when she was invited to join a group of lawyers in the Bay Area who regularly meditated under the guidance of Zen teacher Norman Fischer. Magee says this practice community of legal colleagues helped her settle into a regular meditation practice. “I saw that if I was going to continue to walk the path I’d begun,” she says, “building bridges between communities traditionally seen as different, I would have to find a way to deal with regular indignities without going crazy or suffering further damage to myself and others.”

More at Source: We Are One

Thank you

Shinning Light

June 18, 2022 Leave a comment

Sometimes the Great Spirit gives a sign

The Light Shines on the Truth

And how lucky are we we can capture that moment

Strange Times

May 10, 2022 Leave a comment

Strange times are upon us, strange things are occuring
Truth is a strange virtue of the past
Rulers of our lands are strange
Avoid the strange webs of decite
Never fear strange things
Give strangers a strange smile
Evolve in these strange times with peace

Treat all like yourself with timeless love
In time the all will be one
May we be blessed in time with truth
Every humans right to live in Peace, Love and Truth
So may it be in this time of light and truth


Winter Self Care

March 29, 2022 Leave a comment

Take a Walk

Autumn is here and we need to take extra care this coming winter, our immune systems are compromised either by the vaccines, mask wearing or just in general during cold and flu season.

We’ve endured a global pandemic and as a result, we are spending more time indoors and online. This has disrupted our routines, and taken a toll on not just our mental health but our physical health as well.

Recent studies suggest that nature can help our brains and bodies to stay healthy?

Some of the ways that we can help our health just by being in nature which is a positive effect on our brains and bodies:

Did you know being in Nature

  • decreases stress
  • makes your mood happier, less brooding
  • relieves mental fatigue
  • increases creativity
  • feel more alive

Do yourself a favour go for a walk, find yourself in Nature.

Difficult Emotions

March 28, 2022 Leave a comment

This Post is NOT a Professional Mental Health Practice, just passing on some information and places to find Profession Mental Health Advocates.

Negative Emotions — like sadness, anger, loneliness, jealousy, self-criticism, fear, or rejection — can be difficult, even painful at times.

ANGER: Taming the Raging Fires Within. Get to know your Anger, ask yourself what triggered your response, get to know your Anger. Breathe; Turn your Anger into to Love, think of someone, a pet or Nature you Love. Breathe.

SADNESS: We all feel sad sometimes it is normal. Sadness can be activated by many things. Grief, not limited to the death of a loved one, there are many forms of grief. Breathe again and again

FEAR: Face Fear and Keep Going. Easy said but confrontation head on does work. Take It Easy on yourself.

Remember Fear is the opposite of Love. Love is the blessed state, Breathe into Love. Love yourself you are a unique individual.

SHAME: Never give into the Spiral of Shame. Shame is when we feel worthless, not satisfied. Always look for uplifting endeavours, volunteer to help others this will fill you with Self Worth, besides a warm fuzzy feeling of helping others.


Be compassionate and practice self Love and Caring, you are worth every minute you put into striving for your mental health. Be resilient, find your inner power BREATHE into your Heart where LOVE resides.

Selfless Help (Hoody’s Helpers): Find them here

Beyond Blue: Support Service

Life Line: Want to talk about it?

🕊 💓 🙏

Back Again

March 28, 2022 Leave a comment

Only 3 years this time and man what a 3 years, no need to explain to anyone – the World is Broken.

So I tread very carefully in this time/space we are living in, it is so hard to tell what is real any more.

Welcome to the roller coaster life of Chela and Cate. I hope we all enjoy the ride looking for truth, which maybe not your truth but be aware I research and discern before I commit to posting.

The Good Ones

March 7, 2019 Leave a comment

The Good Ones

Where do I start:

my brother (a quite man) who took me in, gave me a temporary home;

my nephew (and his family) who love me for exactly who I am;

my friends (the real ones) who stick by me and don’t judge me;

How fortunate I am to have these people in my life.

The people who let me be who I am and have joined me on the roller-coaster ride of emotions that has been my life.

Well my loved ones the ride is over, it is just tranquil sailing from now on.

I have tried to be there for you all in your times of need and hope somehow I have given even a small amount of comfort.

From my whole being I thank you for your support and love.

“Thank You” is not a big enough expression.

Shukran – Hvala – Kiitos – Merci – Danke – Grazie
